Delicious baked trout without the bones


A wonderful aromatic fish, very tasty when warm and even better when cold: - 2 trout, about 400g each (be sure to remove the bones) - half a lemon MARINATE - a tablespoon of chopped parsley - a tablespoon of chopped dill - half a teaspoon of herbal pepper - 3 tablespoons of olive oil (preferably flavored, prepared by yourself) - a tablespoon of light soy sauce (reduced salt) ATTENTION: - marinate the trout the day before baking. BAKING: - 200 degrees hot air, or 210 degrees without hot air. after 10 minutes, remove from the oven, uncover the aluminum foil a bit so that they have a chance to slightly brown.


1. The trout should be washed well, then their heads are cut slightly diagonally (the knife is set at two o'clock), or you can cut off the small fins at the head.

2. Now the most important operation, we cut the bones along with the spine. It's best to see it in the movie. The bones are practically on top, they are only covered with a thin film. Start with a small knife from the head side and cut towards the tail right under the bones, in such a way as to cut out as little meat as possible. First one page, then the other.

3. Only the dorsal bones "sunk" in the meat remain, you need to press the dorsal bones with your thumb and index finger, starting from the head to the tail, and step by step remove the entire fish bone. By the tail, you have to break the spine in your fingers as far as possible, a small remnant remains.

4. We prepare the marinade. Squeeze the garlic through the press, add the dill, parsley, herb pepper, olive oil and soy sauce, mix everything thoroughly.

5. Grease the trout inside thoroughly, trying to evenly distribute the herbs.

6. Brush the top and sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon, in the middle and on top.

7. Now we wrap the trout tightly in cling film and put it in the fridge overnight. Let them lie until lunchtime comes. They absolutely have to marinate for several hours.

8. We are preparing dinner. Take the trout out of the food foil and wrap it in aluminum foil. Let's do it on the tab, which will be at the top and after 10 minutes we will be able to pull it apart to lightly brown the trout.

9. Bake in 200 degrees hot air, or 210 degrees without hot air. after 10 minutes, remove it from the oven and uncover the aluminum foil a bit so that they have a chance to slightly brown. Trout prepared in this way is also perfect cold, as a party dish.